
ACCOUNT - Step 3 in the Marketing & Mindsets Intentional Planning Process™

We’ll look at the results of the marketing tactics by the month and tweak if necessary. You’ll know the exact ROI on all your marketing activities.

Keep in mind that it takes several months for results to be at the level we desire for some tactics; however, we will look at trends and make any changes necessary.

Along with the data analysis we look at how the BE-DO-HAVE model has impacted your results. This is where you get to HAVE the energetic reality you desire, along with the physical results you want to achieve. If that’s not happening, we look at both physical and energetic realities.

This post concludes our summary of the Marketing & Mindsets Intentional Planning Process™. In the preceding two posts you learned about the first step, Analyze and the second step, Act.

Schedule a call to talk about your challenges with creating or implementing an intentional marketing plan.

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